An other sight on cerebral activities Walter Alfred Siebel Conflict Research Center Wiesbaden, Bahnhofstr. 41,
65185 Wiesbaden, Germany
Abstract: Within the area of cognitive neuroscience experimental techniques like functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) or Electroencephalogram (EEG) offer de-tailed
results about numerous brain regions and their responses to stimuli. There are various studies on specific correlates, however, an overall view on their rela-tions is still unclear. Here it is put forward that every
act arising in the soul or mind of a human being will have a physiological correlate within themselves. A comprehensive theory of the basic physiology of the brain along the up to date knowledge is presented, also
to expose the meaningful relations of the various functions. Keywords: Brain, mind, cognition, survival system, emotion, frontal lobe, hippocampus, brainstem, memory
Published in “interdis 2009”, 18-28 Available HERE