Start ADHD
Start ADHD

A monstrous phenomenon: ADHD, Fidgety-Philip syndrome – it was called MCD (minimal cerebral dysfunction) formerly. However, since the pharma industry discovered that big money could be made out of this syndrome, the phenomenon has been sufficiently publicized, frightening and scaring people.

“The criticisms are that:

1. ADHD is diagnosed too often and/or isn’t present as such at all but is having to step in for any explanation of a manifold failure of the environment or of the persons themselves,
2. the diagnosis lets the affected persons remain passive about their psycho-social problems, and
3. a treatment with stimulants is used much too often and/or is wrong.”
(From “Aufmerksamkeitsstörung (ADS) – eine Diagnose, die weder Patienten noch Behandlern hilft” (approx.: “Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD) – a Diagnosis that’s no Help to either the Patients nor the Treaters”). In Psychiatrische Praxis 1-2007 p.5 at the end of the paragraph Kontra (“Cons”) by Barbara Alm and Esther Sobanski.)

It is therefore absolutely necessary to provide factual information and thus help.

See the relating article published in the journal interdis 2007 pp.42-56:
Attention Deficit Disorder with/without Hyperactivity and Comorbidities

Seit die Pharmaindustrie herausgefunden hat, dass mit AD(H)S Geld zu verdienen ist, ist das Phänomen, das vorher als MCD (minimale cerebrale Dysfunktion) oder ähnlichem gehandelt worden ist, ein in das öffentliche Bewusstsein eingedrungenes Krankheitsbild. Allerdings ist dieses Phänomen längst beschrieben und Remissionen entdeckt worden, die den Kindern eine gefährliche Medikation ersparen. Hier wird dieses Phänomen beschrieben und sachlich eingeordnet.

    Since the pharma industry discovered that money can be earned with AD(H)D, the phenomenon, which was previously known as MCD (minimal cerebral dysfunction) or termed similarly, has entered public attention as a disease. However, this phenomenon has long ago been described and its remission been observed. And this remission needs no dangerous medication. AD(H)D will be described and put in its factual context.

    Keywords: ADD, ADHD, neurology, physiology of the brain

The important thing is the diagnosis. This phenomenon can be identified – or ruled out! – by an ECG. HERE.

Take a close look at the information provided here even if it sounds “expert-like” here and there.

References to “Noosomatics” (the science of the effects of the (partly subconscious) activity of the mind) refer to “Noosomatik”, the German medical series published by Dareschta Publishing.

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