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Preface (W.A.Siebel: Human Interaction. 3rd Ed.) [Content]

This book will introduce the theory of knowledge which I call "Noologic Metatheory" - that means: the appropriate application of meaning, as it is comprehensible by human mind has to control each building up of a theory, which wants to be called scientific. A metatheory looks for scientific methods to construct a theory for a concrete scientific faculty working, it provides the clearance of any open system, which wants to deal with living phenomena.

The practical consequences in the area of Noology, coming out from Noologic Metatheory, are on the field of analysis the Nooanalysis and on the medical field the Noosomatics (see appendix).

I started publishing the theory and its consequences in 1980 in German. The translation of various special terms was not easy; the ironic and sometimes poetic style of descriptions could not always be considered. Nevertheless I dare to present this first English publication of the basic ideas of my theory and thank Dr. med. Thomas Winkler, for cooperation, Harald Laubenstein, Andrew Terker PhD, and Dr. iur. Hanspeter Wohlschlegel, for their help in translating.

Since reading galley proofs is no fail-safe method guaranteed to catch all errors, I hope any you may still find in the text will not cause undue difficulties and would appreciate your informing us about them.

Research work is constantly being done to uncover new knowledge or modifications of previous knowledge. This volume represents the current state of my knowledge at press time. It cannot supply medical knowledge of a general sort, nor does it intend to release anyone from responsibility for practical choices made. If I succeed in contributing to the understanding of human beings in their quality as unique individuals and to more tolerance and kindness in human relations, then I will have accomplished a major goal of my endeavours.

Within the text you will find citations of books already published in Germany. Their translation will follow as soon as possible. Some of the used terms do not want to be idiomatic but to draw attention to the circumstances in which they are used. Therefore you will find some explanations in a 'thesaurus'.


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