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Human Interaction: On the injuring atmosphere of Emperor:

It is identical with hyperathymia maxima type A (see Noosomatik Vol.V and VI.2) and comes about in cerebro-physiological switch mothers following prenatal IA (R4-IA, op.cit.) through a flood of thalamic stimulation within the first three months. This may be caused by, for example, covering the baby with pillows that are too large or carrying it around against one's body too often. Such continual stimulation of the skin can also be caused by tight woolen clothing.

This perinatal injury experience is characterized by the fact that no (serotonine) pain is stored in the frontal lobe, and therefore no ability to differentiate: External impulses are not categorized as dangerous or harmless, since there are no internal feeling experiences and thus no sense of threat. The corpus mamillare remains depolarized, thus "closed": genuine feeling impulses from the hippocampus are not experienced.

In this injury atmosphere (IA) it is demonstrated clearly how vital IA experience is for human beings. Without it, a human being remains uncritical and helplessly exposed to external impulses. That is why I call this situation an IA, although the criterion of pain is missing. An Em must learn to replace this missing ability to differentiate in the further course of childhood in order to develop some independence in spite of all.

The 8th epistemological evidential term governing "an exogenic flood of stimuli": Every kind of content taken in from outside tends to support and sustain this "closure". The impulses from outside are not differentiated as to content, but rather only as to form (whether they please them or not): Others should satisfy the Em's wishes for pleasant service and sustenance.

This injury experience that causes no pain leads to this continual attitude of expectation and forms the basis for all further development in the pre-logical phase. The 1st turnabout ("It's my fault") is not experienced in the usual way; the 2nd ("It's up to me to change it") is emphasized in the form of concentration on sustenance from outside oneself: "Others have to allow for my privileged position".

The genesis of this conception of "living" is based on mixing up effect and intention. Since their own feelings are not experienced, formal behavior is considered significant by the Em; they think, for instance, that "loving" is an intentional thing and can be done. The recognizable mechanics is to replace the soulful feelings by way of an "as if". The IA is described by the term "lifeless". Mother is experienced as a "sustaining power" (at the level of change of worth and strength). The mother IA has an effect analogous to that of a father IA. A woman must contribute, e.g. "care" (at the level of change of content and form) and subconscious dogmas (mixing up of effect and intention) colored by security tendencies, activating all of this simultaneously - this is the only way she can exercise her "power". Such activity is understandable in a cerebro-physiological switch mother (see: Lonesome Hero), since her feeling of self-esteem is not available to her, thus making her dependent on the approval of others. The conception of "living" is static. SEE POSTERS

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