Thalamic Balance Can Be Misunderstood as Happiness
Walter Alfred Siebel
Conflict Research Center Wiesbaden, Bahnhofstr. 41, 65185 Wiesbaden, Germany
People with hyperathymia maxima [1] or traumatized by the cerebro
physiological switch (CPS) [1,2] often declare that they are able to feel tender positive emotions (soft feelings, what I call “genuine feelings”). As this cannot be true they must confuse genuine
emotions with vegetative orientated mood of satisfaction in their mind. Physiologically it refers to a balance between frontal lobe and brainstem activities, which is lived as deep quietness and differs
significantly from the usual inner unrest.
This relaxation is then called happiness which can be disturbed immediately
by unpleasant impulses. That is the difference to genuine feelings which are expressed by activities of lipidhormones. They remain longer because of the hormonal substance than vegetative activities.
What is lived as happiness in these cases of confusion is to be named as
“fun”. Fun is highly correlated with a self-image and has a compensatory effect to change negative sensation into acceptable sensation. There is a need (e. g. lack of acceptance) which can be combined
with worries and then leads to a confusion of person and matter (“I am what I do” or “I am what I get”). If the people in the environment collaborate (consciously or unconsciously) with this
attitude, they will do all to satisfy the demander. If it is fulfilled, they feel grateful for this positive movement (feedback). Both profit from the now initiated reward relation (harmony, as effect learnt and
fixed during socialisation, is rewarded, even if subjection is charged). That means, a reward circuit is activated from the lateral hypothalamus by the way of the medial forebrain bundle projecting to the ventral
tegmental area (which is part of the mesolimbic dopamine pathway) with projection to the ventral striatum (nucleus accumbens).
Such confusions do not force to verify, what is really going on.
[1] W.A.Siebel, „Human Interaction“, Glaser (now: Dareschta), 1994,
Langwedel (now: Wiesbaden), Germany: p.152-154, 175-177. / W.A.Siebel/T.Winkler, „Noosomatik“, Vol V, Glaser (now: Dareschta), 1996, Langwedel (now: Wiesbaden), Germany, No. and No.
[2] S.Kölsch, D. Sammler, S. Jentschke, W.A. Siebel,“EEG correlates of
moderate intermittent explosive disorder“, Clinical Neurophysiology 119(2007), p.151 – 162.
First published in “interdis” 2008 p. 48